Our range of savings and protection plans are designed specifically with the needs of Cambodian families in mind. Explore these below and find the plan that best meets your personal and family needs.


I want to save for
and protect my
children’s education.


I want to save for
and protect my
family’s future.


I want to protect my
employees during
and after work.


I want to save and protect
my beloved one.

Let us help you compare savings plans:

Coverage for you and your partner  
Coverage for your children’s education costs 
Protects against critical illness, accidents and unfortunate events    
Guaranteed return    
Choice of coverage duration    

We can also provide you and your family with additional protection through your savings plan. Find out more below.

Critical Illness Protect+

Suffering serious long-term health conditions would be a very difficult experience for both you and your family. It would be made even more difficult if you are your family’s income earner.

Fortune Life’s Critical Illness Protect+ provides a cash lump sum if you are diagnosed with any of the three most common critical illnesses in Cambodia; major cancer, heart attack, and stroke. This cash sum can help replace your income, leaving you and your family to focus on your recovery.

Accident Protect

We all face the risk of an unexpected accident 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How would your family cope if you have a serious accident?

Accident Protect from Fortune Life can help by providing a cash lump sum that you can use however you wish. If you are the family’s main income earner, the cash sum can be used to replace lost income whilst you recover and are able to return to work again.