ForLife ចម្រើនទ្រព្យ is a double-benefit product for those who need protection and savings in one package. ForLife ចម្រើនទ្រព្យ offer the high benefits

with the most reasonable premiums and especially guarantee on the term of maturity benefit, whether unfortunate happens or not.

Insurance Benefits

1.  Cash-back Benefit:

  • Offer cash-back 5% of Sum Assured at the end of policy year 3 of this product if there is no claim on Death or Total Permanent Disability.

2.  Death or TPD Benefit from all Causes:

  • Offer benefit 100% of Sum Assured upon Death or Total and Permanent Disability.
  • In case of Death or Total and Permanent Disability, the company does not require you to continue paying premiums, but the company still guarantee to pay the maturity benefit.

3.  Death or TPD Benefit from Accident:

  • Offer additional benefit 200% of Sum Assured upon accidental Death or accidental Total and Permanent Disability.
  • In case of Accidental Death or accidental Total and Permanent Disability, the Company does not require you to continue paying premiums, but the Company still guarantee to pay the maturity benefit.

4.  Maturity Benefit:

  • Offer Maturity benefit 105% of Sum Assured at Maturity Date of this product regardless of Death or Total and Permanent Disability happen.

Provide cash-back 5% of Sum Assured if there is no any claim event covered happens until end of policy year 3 of this product.

Provide high return on guaranteed Maturity Benefit 105% of Sum Assured regardless of Death or Total and Permanent Disability.

No premium payments are required in case of Death or Total and Permanent Disability, but the Maturity Benefit will still be paid at Maturity Date of this product.

Provide high protection on Death or Total and Permanent Disability, especially up to 300% of Sum Assured on Accidental Death or Total and Permanent Disability.

How the plan works

Mr. Sambath, 35 years old, purchases ForLife ចម្រើនទ្រព្យ with a sum assured of $10,000 and policy term 15 years to protect himself and fulfill his dream of ensuring his son lives comfortably without worries if he is not around.

Mr. Sambath is also concerned about becoming seriously ill during the 15-year term of the savings plan, which could prevent him from paying the premiums. To alleviate this worry and ensure his son still receives the $10,000, therefore he attaches a Critical Illness Protect+ plan to the ForLife ចម្រើនទ្រព្យ.


Mr Sambath

Insurance PlanCoverageBenefit
ForLife ចម្រើនទ្រព្យDeath/Total and Permanent DisabilityUS$ 10,000
Accidental Death/ Accidental Total Permanent DisabilityUS$ 30,000
Cash-Back BenefitUS$ 500
Maturity BenefitUS$ 10,500
Critical Illness Protect+Impairment or surgery on organ functions which includes:
Early StageUS$ 5,000
Last StageUS$ 10,000
Less payment made in Early Stage (if any)

We can also provide you and your family with additional protection through your ForLife ចម្រើនទ្រព្យ. Find out more below.

Critical Illness Protect+

Suffering serious long-term health conditions would be a very difficult experience for both you and your family. It would be made even more difficult if you are your family’s income earner.

Fortune Life’s “Critical Illness Protect+” provides cash lump sum either when you are diagnosed with impairment or surgery on your key System and Organ Functions, both during early and late stages. This cash sum can help replace your income, leaving you and your family to focus on your recovery.