
Congratulations to the 10 life insurance specialists of Fortune Life Insurance Company who have successfully completed the training course on insurance basics from the Insurance Association of Cambodia

On the afternoon of Friday, July 5, 2024, Fortune Life Insurance Company held a congratulatory event for the 10 life insurance specialists who successfully completed the training course on insurance basics from the Insurance Association of Cambodia in the presence of CEO, Mr. Jan Arend Wes and the participation of the management of each department, along with many employees of Fortune Life to testify in this special event.

In addition, the entire program also provides letters of appreciation to outstanding life insurance specialists, along with sharing key financial advisory tips with clients from outstanding life insurance specialists as well.

It should be noted that all 10 of them are ready to provide financial advice to the Cambodian people about the good products of Fortune Life Insurance Company, which have the benefits of both savings and protection.




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